Friday, February 6, 2009

Old Woman And Mandingo


' almost spring, even if the weather does not want to give up and the sky is falling snow and rain, the air starts to feel a certain fricciccorino . What is friccicorino?? E 'the desire of awakening, of change and rebirth that every year spring inevitably awakens in us. Have you looked around? Have you raised the nose from the usual life and observed a tree? I did and I noticed the first buds, the early birds who are returning to singing in the early morning, the eyes of the people seem happier. Finally the windows of my town have abandoned the black of winter fashion for the first spring pastels. It 'my favorite season where everything seems possible. Well maidens and damsels is now to press a bit, 'go and spend a bit' of healthy € to awaken your closet and colorful colored and colored. It 'time for new resolutions: be more confident, change jobs, cutting hair, giving up friendships expired and find your soul mate. Anything is possible in the spring. My purpose in mind I have them all and I hope that before next autumn, a good percentage is achieved. The first purpose to live and relive the wonderful feelings that spring gives me !!!!!!
Remember if you can dream you can do and I recommend you follow the star


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