Thursday, August 19, 2010

Polaris Indy Trail Deluxe

As a second recipe from the series "The Culinary Company in Tuscany," I present to you a soup that is essentially the summer on a plate. In Italy, the tomatoes are in abundance and are ruby \u200b\u200bred, juicy and above all super-cheap in the summer. Consequently, make this soup as a first offers an alternative to the usual pasta with tomato sauce. Like the previous one, this is a recipe of my father, who has a turn learned it from my grandmother.
INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
  • 6 large ripe tomatoes (I used the quality Costoluto Fiorentino but also S. Marzano are ideal. If you use the latter, there will take about 12)
  • 160 grams of noodles soup (for example, "Tempestini" De Cecco) 1 large potato
  • A red onion and sweet (like those of Tropea)
  • Extra-virgin olive oil Salt
  • grated Parmesan cheese to serve
Finely chop the onion and transfer it into a pan with high sides. Add olive oil and sauté over low heat, until it is almost transparent and brown.
Wash the tomatoes, then boil (the water should completely cover) for 5-6 minutes, or until they are soft but still intact.
When the tomatoes are ready, pass to pass directly into the vegetable pan with the onion. Discard the skin of tomatoes. If you do not have a passport vegetables, then hand-peeled tomatoes (which should be quite easy as they are now cooked) and mix the pulp in an ordinary kitchen blender, then add it to the pot. Season with salt and pepper.
Add 5-6 ladles of liquid from cooking the tomatoes and simmer over low heat. Meanwhile, peel and then diced potatoes, and place it in the pot. When the potato is almost cooked, put even the pasta and cook according to the times indicated on the package. Add more boiling water if necessary, but keep in mind that the final consistency of the soup should be thick and creamy.

As soon as the pasta is cooked, season with salt if necessary and serve immediately with a generous grating of Parmesan cheese.


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