Monday, March 1, 2010

Atk Engines Why Atk Engines Lie,?

opinion of the State Council in February

At the end of the State Council gave a favorable opinion to decree on teacher training. Fortunately, not all of the project the ministry has been confirmed, but the suggestions for amendments are not binding.

If you want to read the opinion of the State Council in full click here, if you want the summary of the Order click here .

publishing the summary of Horizon School Links:

The Council of State considers that the Regulation has kept in mind, first, the need for continuity with the university system, recently amended, and secondly the need to introduce course corrections to legislation are not fully capable of form a faculty to the challenges of modernity.

In fact, the Italian school, says the Council of State is in difficulties, difficulties witnessed by numerous international bodies and national research and direct experience, which places it in a very low especially with regard to the level of language learning as part of the mathematical sciences, Physical and Natural Sciences and, in general, subject knowledge. This difficulty can only be attributed to the contents and methods of teaching and level of knowledge and skills of teachers.

The goal is therefore to solve the problem of teacher training without regulatory distortions and no new amendments to the Ministerial Decree No 270 of 2004 just at the stage where it is applied in all universities. This is to ensure that universities fit in training those paths of "accreditation" to the internal degree courses that are essential for the training of teachers. A solution Such may be made immediately by regulatory action is very limited.

The improvement in the level of the Italian school is thus related to the upgrading of the training of teachers decided to include a reinforcement of disciplinary knowledge with respect to whom there has been insufficient attention in recent years.

"As in any other profession qualified teacher must enter into a classroom with a high level of subject knowledge and appropriate date in relation to matters of individual classes of certification for teaching. Such a level can be effectively achieved in the context of a degree Master involving the preparation of a thesis and also laboratory work. "

But" the future teacher, as well as having safe and essential knowledge of the disciplines to be taught, should have the opportunity to reflect on how the transmission of knowledge and acquisition of skills and complex and educational issues of mediation. "

The comments submitted by the State Council are :

  • art. 3, paragraph 2, lett. b) is preferable to explain - even for reasons of symmetry with the previous letter a) - for teaching in secondary schools is required, in addition to the two-year degree course and subsequent courses, the graduation of three-year basis.
  • art. 11 there is a conflict between paragraph 3 according to which the teachers to play the role of tutor trainees are nominated by school administrators in charge of the schools included in the list referred to in Article 12, among full professors in service same institutions that have so requested, paragraph 5, which establishes a unified framework for the selection of tutors for all figures, paragraph 7, which relates only to annual confirmation process tutor coordinators and organizers. It seems that this contradiction can be attributed to an erroneous reference by the artist. 5, the first time to tutor the trainees, who instead should have been excluded from its framework, calibrated on the other two figures.
  • art. 15, paragraph 22 is suggested to delete the word "not" nell'inciso "of a non-regulatory", which defines the decree called to fix the paths aimed at training and qualifications of teachers and technical practice, which - even for the sake of consistency - must be regulatory.
  • is worthwhile to explore the question - raised in the opinion of the National Council of Education - on recognition of service on a precarious at schools, for the purposes of the internship activities, as well as part of the credits provided for in the placement, with particular reference to educational workshops in Table Twelve. In this regard, even beyond the formal potential profiles of unreasonableness of the transitional provision, it is desirable to provide a transition from the old to the new system, take into account professional experience, subject to the possibility of setting conditions and limitations such importance and scale effects.
  • With reference to article. 16 raises many perplexities prediction that the courses under the Regulation, organized by the University or institutions of higher education in art, music and dance, it is organized "with the proceeds arising from the payment of taxes and contributions paid by the student."
    [...] The Ministry is therefore invited to indicate which is the primary source of the above-quoted provision of a regulation if the same criterion for such a permit the prediction that full coverage of the cost of courses is through the taking enforced on students.

of these observations deserve special emphasis on the fact that teachers working in schools but not yet acquired the skills needed to get it out the difficulties which lie in the international and national research.

The opinion on the matter is "in a transition from the old to the new system, take into account professional experience, subject to the possibility of setting conditions and limitations of such importance and scale effects."

remember that the draft Regulation provides in this way: "Until the academic year 2011-2012 are also allowed in excess to those active internship meeting the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2, and the subjects holding a diploma issued by institutions of higher education physics (ISEF) already valid for access to physical education or diploma at the conservatory or art school already valid for access to secondary school, without any qualification, they have done, to date of entry into force of this decree, at least 360 days of instruction in the class of competition reference. Admission to
route is subject to passing the test of access referred to in paragraph 4 with the achievement scores referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8. "


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