Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Settlement Price Options#

What it means to govern and what is a forest coppice.

Francesca Giannetti

Managing a forest means to manage it through various forms of forestry. The two typical forms of government: government to government and deciduous trees (high forest).
The main difference between coppice and high forest is the type of reproduction is used for the formation of new plants
elle. In the high forest regeneration using seed gamic (promotes recombination), the ECHR uses asexual reproduction (individuals with the same genetic heritage).


coppice The government is only possible for a hardwood forest, eg rché unlike conifers, have the ability to generate, with dormant buds, new drums at the time of excision of the stem the plant's "mother" from the stump. The new drums that are regenerated from this stump for renewal agamic have the same genetic heritage of the plant from which they are generated.

The wood can be treated as a copse:

.: Coppice simple: that when you cut all the stems are cut, then the wood that forms is the same age.

.: Coppice steering: where the act of cutting the stems are cut only the oldest, the wood is then selection forests, living on the same stump shoots of different age.

.: Coppice whip: at the time of the cut shall be issued a number of plants born from seeds (derived from renewal gamic reproduction) or shoots better complied with to ensure adequate seed reserves and replace the stumps that are now aged and therefore no longer appropriate for a cut of coppicing. The rest of the plant is treated as a simple coppice.

The government coppice can speed the growth of new stems that take advantage of the existing root system. This government is mainly used for the production of firewood, and biomass plants.

In the coming days the government to treat high forest.

Photo Captions:

nb photos are numbered from top to bottom

.: Photos 1, top left: felling cut. From this picture you can understand how the felling cut, after cutting the main stem of the broadleaf trees are able to drive out new shoots, which make up the new drums.

.: Photo 2 Center: chestnut coppice, they might recognize the smaller drums, derivatives plants coppice, while the stems with larger diameters are those of the whip issued for the production of semen.

.: 3 Photo right: sliced \u200b\u200bchestnut coppice. Immediately after cutting the whip are clearly visible.

.: 4 Photo right: beech copse. In this photo can clearly see the whip, much larger than the ECHR, which plants are recognizable by the presence of more than one stem. Image is also evident that the ultilizzo is made of wood. from the stack that appears on the left, it is argued that using the one for firewood.

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