STONES AND CRYSTALS Dear friends I am with you long after, I was slightly involved in research on a topic that interests me: stones and crystals. The two little words that bring to mind magic rings, necklaces and many beautiful gifts ...... I do not know if you get the message. We like girls all that glitters, a well-chosen accessory makes a beautiful and distinctive clothing to say the least mediocre. Do not talk about when we are angry, when we see that silver box with a fiocchettino here is that everything seems more serene, the blue sky as you say, no, no and no again, as the blue ........ .. a beautiful aquamarine or lapis lazuli. Yeah but how to choose the crystals, a component is of course the taste Importane staff, and nobody can argue, but I'd like to go beyond mere aesthetics and therefore segito will give you some tips on how to choose crystals and stones to be worn bearing in mind their curative value and their energies:
here's a list for how to wear color on a crystal or a stone - Black: absorbs stagnant energy, relieves pain and relaxes, gives security and stability (Obsidian, Tourmaline Quartz smoky black).
- RED: gives energy and vitality, promotes the regeneration of blood and tissues, generates heat
(Ruby, Garnet, Agate) .
- PINK: give compassion and tranquility
(Quartz pink, pink opal, pink tourmaline) .
- ORANGE: helps balance and serenity, makes jovial and spontaneous
(Carnelian, Amber, Calcite orange). - YELLOW: aids digestion, helps the rational thought and energy assimilation, gives happiness and self-confidence
(Citrine, Topaz, Amber, Calcite yellow). - GREEN: the color of healing, calms and balances the heart and mind. Supports the work of the gallbladder and liver
(Jasper Green, Jade, Green Tourmaline, Aventurine, Olivine) .
- BLUE: the color of the creative mind, gives mental clarity, wisdom, fame as an antiseptic for the throat
(Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Sodalite, Aquamarine) .
- Purple: protection from external influences, facilitates change, develops the inspiration, art and freedom of thought
(Amethyst, Fluorite, Sugilite) .
- WHITE, CLEAR: conveys the light, gives purity, creativity and leads to perfect. In particular, the Quartz Rock, reinforces the powers of other stones (Quartz Rocca, Elestial, Selenite, Apofillite).
Another advice that I found while surfing the Internet refers to the cleaning of crystals and stones. You should know that during the journey from mine to our hands, the crystals can accumulate the energy of the crossing points and people with whom they come into contact. These energies can be heavy stones and prevent their full potential benefits. Cosi 'instead of transmitting vibration harmonics manifest hardship. If you go into a china shop you can feel a certain heaviness in the air. This is due to the fact that absorb the distress of anyone who touches them. So dear friends, I appeal especially to you because you are usually the recipients of glitter, when you bring home a stone before using it so purificatela ':
1) with the snow, of course, in winter and over every living thing if it snows, we say that we had so much snow this winter to purify 350,000 pounds of stones and crystals, however:
- The snow is formed in geometrically perfect structures that express a lot of energy. The snow crystals channel the energy of the sun and earth, the multiply and reflect on everything that is nearby. You can leave the crystals for a night or three in the snow, rinse under cold running water and dry with a clean cotton or linen, but always natural fiber. With this procedure not only are purified, but reloaded and regenerated.
- We put the stones in a glass or crock container, glass o copriamoli with unrefined sea salt. For one, three or seven nights. Then we place the container under a trickle of running water and let the salt dissolve. After about an hour take the stones and dry with a clean cloth.
NOTE: This procedure is not recommended for: kyanite, opal, azurite, aragonite, selenite, dioptasio stones and very delicate. Also, remember to be careful when purified jewelry containing silver and copper with salt water and oxidize.
3) clay
- We put the stones in a glass or earthenware bowl and cover everything with the clay. For three, seven, nine or eleven nights. After that day we decided we remove the clay and put the stones in a clean container and glass, letting a trickle of water for about an hour. Then take the stones and dry them with a clean cloth.
NOTE: This method is not recommended for very porous stones because the clay may stick in the micro-cracks.
- During a full moon or new moon put the stones in the ground near the roots of a tree (if by chance you live in the city is that you do not go out at night, among other things, risking their lives in search of a tree, it's good enough for example, a potted plant in a pot of geraniums can put up to ten, twelve stones of about two or three cm.) course, the more the plant is large becomes more effective the procedure. After twenty-eight days exactly (a lunar cycle) we recover the stones from the earth. With this procedure unite the earthly and celestial energies. We have then the stones in a container of natural material, and slide a blade of fresh running water for about an hour.
- During the nights of full moon expose the stones in contact with the earth. Likewise with the sun making sure never to do so remain unnoticed for at least seven nights or seven days.
Of course we girls wear the jewelry more for beauty than anything else, but remember that the crystal can be cured innumerable diseases. But this is not the right blog. Who cares about the issue left a number of sites that you can go visit to find out everything and say everything about stones and crystals: Have fun and follow the star as always ........ Today jade and emerald.