Saturday, January 10, 2009 Free Accpount

Trottolino AMOROSO

days ago a friend of mine told me that he met a girl through the internet, after a little 'conversations by computer are meeting for drinks a few nights later. The girl in the photo slideshow on the dating site seems nice and he thought "Come on, let's see how."
We are friends with us a few evenings after the fateful meeting, and his account of the evening begins, "I was at the wheel as soon as I saw it I wanted to start up and run away ....." do not tell their whole evening, because within weeks, I'm still laughing, but I'll give you some advice so as not to miss a guy at the first meeting. Already run away without giving them some of reason, if we work hard to scare ......

1. When you know a guy through the internet and I never say never ask "why did you choose me?", For them it is already difficult to understand why they chose a name instead of another, and if not then you are in good shape could have 10 minutes too dark and wondering "why am with a mussel instead of being on my couch watching TV ????".
2. You will not pull it too much, because phrases like "I do men turn them on one finger," manage to be convincing only if spoken by ANGELINA JOLIE, or even forever. I know that many times the uncertainty themselves in brings out the part of us that should be sentenced to life imprisonment, but you also understand that no man likes to be regarded as a ball on the nose of the seal, although many women treat their men well. Do it with intelligence!
3. The clothing .... sore ..... fashion should in theory be used to improve and not to highlight the flaws! Umbilicus with a view accompanied by rolls of fat, tight pants and makeup vistosto, the first blind date, not a business card. At best, he uses the card ..... and uses it to smoke anything rolled up hoping to forget where it is. The
powerful weapon that we have women and femininity ' if accompanied by a fair amount of intelligence is a powerful aphrodisiac to be used to enchant the carer on duty.
4. He says the test "rather than speak and show others that you are a moron and better shut up and let him believe." Connect the tongue to the brain and to avoid, among many others, phrases like "IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A TATTOO YOU ARE NOT A REAL MAN." It should be good and evil of our day is the appearance, but you also understand that a man who hears a thing is entitled to at least reverse the beer on his head.
Among other things, how do you think that a tattoo represents the virility of man in question. We have to learn to listen and understand if words and their sounds trigger that thought in us that makes us say "I like going out with him seriously." If you want to be the best
believe more in yourself, why should not prove to be nothing more if not the person who you truly are, with your universe full of stars to light up one by one.
Kisses and followed the star

- The ultimate gift by Paulo Coelho - Taste Bompiani, Euro 10.00
- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield - Corbaccio, Euro 16.60 ( )
- Healing with the Angels Doreen Virtue - Armenia, is a gift and I do not know the price ( ).


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