Philip Caramelli
Family: Nymphalidae
Genre: Inachis
Species: Inachis I (L.)
Common name: Vanessa I peacock eye
Wingspan: 5.5 to 6 cm

The Vanessa I owes its name to Io, a priestess of Juno, and for its exceptional beauty attracted the attention and the gaze of Jupiter . The name conferred is very appropriate, since this is one of the most beautiful butterflies homegrown. Belonging to the family
NYMPHALIDS of which includes a large number of species, all characterized by very striking livery. The forelegs are reduced, but only in males are similar to brushes. For some species, the structure of the front legs is almost the only character king to distinguish the sex, all have clubbed antennae. Many NYMPHALIDS, including Vanessa I (Inachis I), overwinter in adult stage, hiding in shelters during the dark winter. The Inachis I, as previously mentioned, presents a very elegant livery. The fore wings very characteristic, have the so-called "spots ocellated" used to divert attention any

How prefers habitat gardens and lawns.
The species is common throughout Italy including the islands from the plain to 2500 m. The distribution from Europe, until in temperate Asia Japan.
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