Friday, January 16, 2009

Budweiser Canada Bottle Volume

Today I write about the world of colors. We are surrounded by billions of colors that our hectic lives do not make us notice and appreciate it fully. In addition to gladden our sight with the beautiful yellows and reds glistening the calming blue, the colors we can help in many other circumstances that stand out a bit 'from what we call superficial. It is now known that the chromo are cured countless physical and mental illnesses, just think of you day delivery rooms are painted blue to calm the poor thing that is on the table (and does not know that childbirth compared to what comes after, and little thing! !)!

Below we give a general indication on how to use colors. When you get up in the morning and open the wardrobe, five minutes to think about how you really feel and therefore abbigliatevi. Black and white are two colors not fun colors, but abandon it for a while 'and dive in the rainbow !!!!!

RED: helps to regenerate the energy, creativity and imagination. Produces adrenaline, joy, dynamism, invigorates the body and protects against illness due to cooling. It 'an anti-depressant, good for anemia, paralysis and fear.

ORANGE: It gives joy, positivity and encouraging the opening of the mind. Cure depression and dissatisfaction varies. Feeds the availability to others. Promotes appetite, good breathing and helps to improve heart disease. Delete the morning drowsiness, stimulates sexual functions. Helps with asthma and instills in the individual deep thoughts (of course, the individual must have a reasoning brain).

YELLOW: is the symbol of the sun, gold, aids concentration, attention and intelligence, idealism and action. It is used in diseases on the liver, intestine, skin, kidneys and bladder. And 'good for the agitation and impulsiveness. Helps overcome exhaustion. This color should be used with caution.

GREEN: promotes relaxation, calm. It 's the color of the heart, helps blood pressure, the renewal of cells, is used to balance the nervous system. This color is much loved by the people quiet, sincere, open towards life. And 'good for the eyes and for precision work. Do not overdo THIS COLOR IF USED excessively CAN 'CAUSE FEARS.

BLUE: Promotes honesty, sincerity, generosity, sensitivity, calm. It 's a big help in diseases of the throat, insomnia, calms the mind, sight and nervous system. IF USED IMPROPERLY CAN 'cause depression.

All colors must be alternated do not be obsessive to always wear the same shade. In the past I've done it with black and for many years I have been struggling with a certain sadness unfounded. Black is fine but only on certain occasions (perhaps the opportunities of black treat them soon).

INDIGO: Increases psychic abilities, meditation. It helps the blood circulation system, vision, hearing and nervous system.

PURPLE: is the color of the spirit, inspiration, sensitivity, unconscious and will, as well as unconsciousness. It is used in diseases relating to the spleen and the lymphatic system.

ROSA: is the color of sweetness, of childhood, carefree, love and ingenuity. Reduces tension, promotes optimism, lightens your thoughts.

Have you seen the amount of favors that the colors, combined therapies official course, give us.

We can improve the care that we are doing using the support of these fantastic colors.

I always do an exercise when I am tense and I can not look at a situation with just quiet, I guess in a giant blue bubble. I assure you that after a while 'with this view I relax, let your mind go and after a little 'things are more .... Roses!

If you are interested in this subject I'll leave you two titles of books and some sites that deal in depth and in any case if you were to appease your curiosity with "color therapy" in google you will see that there is a colorful world to explore: 1
) "Lose Weight - The use of color for the care of body and psyche" of the 1997 Christa Muths published by Edizioni Mediterranee - Another medical series "Euro 13.50.
2) "Lose Weight - The world is colorful coloriamoci ourselves" by Franco Silvani published in 1999 by "Gruppo Editoriale Futura, the price on request.

GIRLS WHO LOVE TO DO RATHER THAN THE SHOWER BATHROOM: Light a candle colored according to your mood and you will see that the bathroom is very pleasant experiences.

And as always, follow the star, now giallissima


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