now is a ritual, I begin each article with the phrase "It's snowing, today it is coming down a ton. Snow outside and inside the house did not know what to do, luckily there is the magical world of the Internet. In this vast universe, the virtual can become real only through the exchange of views among a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople known and unknown. I signed up to facebook and within 10 minutes I found a lot of friends who had not seen for a long time. We exchanged kisses of greeting and virtual information, the list of new births and so many experiences over the years. The time on the Internet is illusion, super fast, you can find everything and more with a click. Original idea that you say! It 's true I have not equally fantastic but I found it can find and write here. Speed \u200b\u200bis the novelty of our time, found thousands of information in seconds. And for an association of ideas, I do not even know where to come, I'm thinking of the myriad of boys at this time will stay thinking "could exist even in the bathroom internet ".... especially when the bathroom is occupied by the girls. Yeah my friends when we step into the bathroom, speed is a thought that there minimante touches, even in the antechamber of the brain (for those with both, of course). Years and years of technological breakthroughs in order to optimize the life of each of us, are disintegrated by the thoughts that go through your head just over the threshold of our favorite room .....
boys I can not understand that for us, time spent in the bathroom is of vital importance and therefore we do not care much if they are coated with a leopard skin on the door because the pee runs for an hour. DO NOT DISTURB !!!!!!! (You write well, bohh). For us there is the theory before practice: what do I do first, I look in the mirror and think, and at least 30 minutes if they are in the contemplation of the bloody hairs occur on the top lashes, twenty more if they go to wash . You know the skin is gently cleansed and after the moisturizer is massaged for at least another 10 minutes (and more salt than the age and the minute climb) because side effects. Just think 'you are talking only of the face (which is then rigged !!!). Do you count how long it takes for the whole body. The math is not my forte as the time spent in the bathroom. I leave you a positive thought: the beautiful figure that you too will be beautiful when your close to you in great shape .... provided you are able to pee on time?!
So guys we girls INTERNET AND THE SPEED 'make us really mad, but outside the bathroom door !!!!!!!.
thanks to Christ that I suggested this little article and as always follow the star!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Romantic Things To Write On A Card
Card Inachis I
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Genre: Inachis
Species: Inachis I (L.)
Common name: Vanessa I peacock eye
Wingspan: 5.5 to 6 cm
The Vanessa I owes its name to Io, a priestess of Juno, and for its exceptional beauty attracted the attention and the gaze of Jupiter . The name conferred is very appropriate, since this is one of the most beautiful butterflies homegrown. Belonging to the family
NYMPHALIDS of which includes a large number of species, all characterized by very striking livery. The forelegs are reduced, but only in males are similar to brushes. For some species, the structure of the front legs is almost the only character king to distinguish the sex, all have clubbed antennae. Many NYMPHALIDS, including Vanessa I (Inachis I), overwinter in adult stage, hiding in shelters during the dark winter. The Inachis I, as previously mentioned, presents a very elegant livery. The fore wings very characteristic, have the so-called "spots ocellated" used to divert attention any
predators from your body. The larva is black, back to the thorny white dots. development is carried out on species or nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and hops (Humulus lupulus L.) in the community where he lives too many, and only after the last moult distance himself from others in order to pass the lone 'final stage of growth before incrisalidarsi. The flickering occurs between June and July.
How prefers habitat gardens and lawns.
The species is common throughout Italy including the islands from the plain to 2500 m. The distribution from Europe, until in temperate Asia Japan.
Philip Caramelli
Family: Nymphalidae
Genre: Inachis
Species: Inachis I (L.)
Common name: Vanessa I peacock eye
Wingspan: 5.5 to 6 cm

The Vanessa I owes its name to Io, a priestess of Juno, and for its exceptional beauty attracted the attention and the gaze of Jupiter . The name conferred is very appropriate, since this is one of the most beautiful butterflies homegrown. Belonging to the family
NYMPHALIDS of which includes a large number of species, all characterized by very striking livery. The forelegs are reduced, but only in males are similar to brushes. For some species, the structure of the front legs is almost the only character king to distinguish the sex, all have clubbed antennae. Many NYMPHALIDS, including Vanessa I (Inachis I), overwinter in adult stage, hiding in shelters during the dark winter. The Inachis I, as previously mentioned, presents a very elegant livery. The fore wings very characteristic, have the so-called "spots ocellated" used to divert attention any

How prefers habitat gardens and lawns.
The species is common throughout Italy including the islands from the plain to 2500 m. The distribution from Europe, until in temperate Asia Japan.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Can Lumineers Fix Gaps
Another week has begun, under the snow, yet. Today, looking around while walking and glancing at the windows, I started to think, it led me to think that we are a bit 'all approved, we are part of categories and when you meet someone and you can not see the label the category to which it belongs, delete it immediately from your list. By limiting the discussion to fashion, you have noticed in the newspapers is how indoctrinated the masses?? This year, the lines are all the rage, the dancers are all the rage this year and the guys with low waist pants. In fact, kids see around the horse so low that you know where to begin and end on the backside of the knee. Women 53 cm high with Paperine and constant backache. The latest news on fashion that will rule the next summer season .... Now I write I'm sorry but throwing up ..... fringes at Indiana ...... clothes for the garden-party (the garden party we go there one day and one no) = garden checkered jackets combined with floral skirts (I checked also suck on tablecloths and flowers of pizza they prefer the calculations the pot, maybe fresh) ..... fashion 80s (and even last year there were 60 and 70 years but that fantasy .... ?????) brilliant fashion (recipe: eat 850 chocolates wrapped with paper gold and silver, with the mountain of paper collection create a skirt and you have the same effect as a dress D & G, reduced cost and increased size and contented throat) and many other ideas originalissssssime. So, from the fact that the cabinet should be renewed with some new piece every season, we seek to make our purchases wisely, as a small example I quote the fringes, seeking to limit a few accessories to make so that Sitting Bull will not turn in his grave.
We use your head and try not to be approved but free spirits who dress and not dress up.
I personally will buy a few pieces and plain white cream. You will see will be the color of summer.
Kisses and followed the star
Another week has begun, under the snow, yet. Today, looking around while walking and glancing at the windows, I started to think, it led me to think that we are a bit 'all approved, we are part of categories and when you meet someone and you can not see the label the category to which it belongs, delete it immediately from your list. By limiting the discussion to fashion, you have noticed in the newspapers is how indoctrinated the masses?? This year, the lines are all the rage, the dancers are all the rage this year and the guys with low waist pants. In fact, kids see around the horse so low that you know where to begin and end on the backside of the knee. Women 53 cm high with Paperine and constant backache. The latest news on fashion that will rule the next summer season .... Now I write I'm sorry but throwing up ..... fringes at Indiana ...... clothes for the garden-party (the garden party we go there one day and one no) = garden checkered jackets combined with floral skirts (I checked also suck on tablecloths and flowers of pizza they prefer the calculations the pot, maybe fresh) ..... fashion 80s (and even last year there were 60 and 70 years but that fantasy .... ?????) brilliant fashion (recipe: eat 850 chocolates wrapped with paper gold and silver, with the mountain of paper collection create a skirt and you have the same effect as a dress D & G, reduced cost and increased size and contented throat) and many other ideas originalissssssime. So, from the fact that the cabinet should be renewed with some new piece every season, we seek to make our purchases wisely, as a small example I quote the fringes, seeking to limit a few accessories to make so that Sitting Bull will not turn in his grave.
We use your head and try not to be approved but free spirits who dress and not dress up.
I personally will buy a few pieces and plain white cream. You will see will be the color of summer.
Kisses and followed the star
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Bluetooth Headset On Airplane?
CAI sez. Aspromonte - Saguccio

percorrrendo This morning the road hen we arrived at the starting point of the excursion.
The trail is actually an easy trail, all downhill. Once in the abandoned town of Saguccio, Arch. Joseph Battaglia has given us historical information about life in those places now deserted. The site has been used for centuries in the transhumanist summer, only the dawn of the twentieth century became a permanent settlement, and the inhabitants took advantage of the mild climate and abundance of water in those places to start almost self-sufficient economy: in addition to farming and agriculture gave rise to a factory which produced the wool felted considerable quality, perfect for packing the simple dress of the mountaineers. The economy of the small village reached a turning point in the mid-twenties, when, following the adoption of the tax on flour, the residents decided to turn the mill in the mill: the impenetrable nature of the sites allowed them to evade the payment of 'tax. The story ends sadly Saguccio in the second half of last century, when even its population is involved in the migration that has characterized this region and the village was depopulated.
After the history lesson we continued down the path to the broad stream, observing and photographing the jumps of water between the rocks, small waterfalls and lush vegetation. We reached the old mill, this completely ruined, but which can still appreciate the structure. The return took place along the same path up to the machines.
Purtrtoppo Bagaladi-Gambarie the road was interrupted by a landslide, but, reassured by the architect on the easy practicability and the brevity of the path that would take us to the farm, we took the car to "The door to the park and lunch. In truth, the path was not easy, given the presence of children, nor short, but thanks to all we managed to arrive at your destination. After lunch, we visited the restored old mill structure, site of the farm. With the shuttle machines made available by the heads of the restaurant we returned to our cars to the 18.30.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Budweiser Canada Bottle Volume
Today I write about the world of colors. We are surrounded by billions of colors that our hectic lives do not make us notice and appreciate it fully. In addition to gladden our sight with the beautiful yellows and reds glistening the calming blue, the colors we can help in many other circumstances that stand out a bit 'from what we call superficial. It is now known that the chromo are cured countless physical and mental illnesses, just think of you day delivery rooms are painted blue to calm the poor thing that is on the table (and does not know that childbirth compared to what comes after, and little thing! !)!
Below we give a general indication on how to use colors. When you get up in the morning and open the wardrobe, five minutes to think about how you really feel and therefore abbigliatevi. Black and white are two colors not fun colors, but abandon it for a while 'and dive in the rainbow !!!!!
RED: helps to regenerate the energy, creativity and imagination. Produces adrenaline, joy, dynamism, invigorates the body and protects against illness due to cooling. It 'an anti-depressant, good for anemia, paralysis and fear.
ORANGE: It gives joy, positivity and encouraging the opening of the mind. Cure depression and dissatisfaction varies. Feeds the availability to others. Promotes appetite, good breathing and helps to improve heart disease. Delete the morning drowsiness, stimulates sexual functions. Helps with asthma and instills in the individual deep thoughts (of course, the individual must have a reasoning brain).
YELLOW: is the symbol of the sun, gold, aids concentration, attention and intelligence, idealism and action. It is used in diseases on the liver, intestine, skin, kidneys and bladder. And 'good for the agitation and impulsiveness. Helps overcome exhaustion. This color should be used with caution.
GREEN: promotes relaxation, calm. It 's the color of the heart, helps blood pressure, the renewal of cells, is used to balance the nervous system. This color is much loved by the people quiet, sincere, open towards life. And 'good for the eyes and for precision work. Do not overdo THIS COLOR IF USED excessively CAN 'CAUSE FEARS.
BLUE: Promotes honesty, sincerity, generosity, sensitivity, calm. It 's a big help in diseases of the throat, insomnia, calms the mind, sight and nervous system. IF USED IMPROPERLY CAN 'cause depression.
All colors must be alternated do not be obsessive to always wear the same shade. In the past I've done it with black and for many years I have been struggling with a certain sadness unfounded. Black is fine but only on certain occasions (perhaps the opportunities of black treat them soon).
INDIGO: Increases psychic abilities, meditation. It helps the blood circulation system, vision, hearing and nervous system.
PURPLE: is the color of the spirit, inspiration, sensitivity, unconscious and will, as well as unconsciousness. It is used in diseases relating to the spleen and the lymphatic system.
ROSA: is the color of sweetness, of childhood, carefree, love and ingenuity. Reduces tension, promotes optimism, lightens your thoughts.
Have you seen the amount of favors that the colors, combined therapies official course, give us.
We can improve the care that we are doing using the support of these fantastic colors.
I always do an exercise when I am tense and I can not look at a situation with just quiet, I guess in a giant blue bubble. I assure you that after a while 'with this view I relax, let your mind go and after a little 'things are more .... Roses!
If you are interested in this subject I'll leave you two titles of books and some sites that deal in depth and in any case if you were to appease your curiosity with "color therapy" in google you will see that there is a colorful world to explore: 1
) "Lose Weight - The use of color for the care of body and psyche" of the 1997 Christa Muths published by Edizioni Mediterranee - Another medical series "Euro 13.50.
2) "Lose Weight - The world is colorful coloriamoci ourselves" by Franco Silvani published in 1999 by "Gruppo Editoriale Futura, the price on request.
GIRLS WHO LOVE TO DO RATHER THAN THE SHOWER BATHROOM: Light a candle colored according to your mood and you will see that the bathroom is very pleasant experiences.
And as always, follow the star, now giallissima
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Chrome Deagle Airsoft For Sale
BUT NO ......
Hello is any day that I write, I was committed to thinking (something very hard) some things about us girls. We will be genetically modified to diet always. Leafing through fashion magazines last week and I was pleasantly surprised the fact that, between advertising and the other with anorexic models, more and more frequently being used as a model to the physical BELLUCCI to Ferilli all'ARCURI. I dare say physical soft curves with abundant and very attractive. Here there arises in me a question. As we put on a diet primarily to please the male (and who says "I do it myself" is an illusion) that we are sure that the boy likes to go out with Kate Moss than with our chiletti more. Apart from the fact that in most chiletti accompanied by some ideas in the brain "more" is one of the most delicious things there are, I believe that we must put an end to quarrel with the mirror and start to argue with the balance. We can boycott and threaten to make her sleep on the mat without anyone who uses his cursed August I personally only contact I have with that instrument of torture is given by the daily cleaning, or ...... the dusting! I think we need to find a balance between what we want to be and what they actually are. Ingoziamoci not even touch on the diet but not manic, because this leads to self-destruction, especially of our self-esteem. Personally, I like myself although I'm not exactly a model, but definitely point to other components that make up my own little person. Do you too!! A survey
talking to some boys, turns out that they all agree in saying that they prefer feel something more than the collarbone and sternum, so girls courage and strength if we want to aim at a better physical care of properly to a good diet, with some temptation ...... and above all dress ourselves properly. If the physical rather than a rush I'd say it looks like a loaf to avoid mini-skirts or leggings fashion. The latest fashion is said to be the right one. Stripes, polka dots and flowers are not much of a girlfriend well not even the models on the catwalk, so take a little 'you !!!!!! In my blog
girders a series of nice sites to visit for a study right look for you and if you need anything ....... segite the star.
Hello is any day that I write, I was committed to thinking (something very hard) some things about us girls. We will be genetically modified to diet always. Leafing through fashion magazines last week and I was pleasantly surprised the fact that, between advertising and the other with anorexic models, more and more frequently being used as a model to the physical BELLUCCI to Ferilli all'ARCURI. I dare say physical soft curves with abundant and very attractive. Here there arises in me a question. As we put on a diet primarily to please the male (and who says "I do it myself" is an illusion) that we are sure that the boy likes to go out with Kate Moss than with our chiletti more. Apart from the fact that in most chiletti accompanied by some ideas in the brain "more" is one of the most delicious things there are, I believe that we must put an end to quarrel with the mirror and start to argue with the balance. We can boycott and threaten to make her sleep on the mat without anyone who uses his cursed August I personally only contact I have with that instrument of torture is given by the daily cleaning, or ...... the dusting! I think we need to find a balance between what we want to be and what they actually are. Ingoziamoci not even touch on the diet but not manic, because this leads to self-destruction, especially of our self-esteem. Personally, I like myself although I'm not exactly a model, but definitely point to other components that make up my own little person. Do you too!! A survey
talking to some boys, turns out that they all agree in saying that they prefer feel something more than the collarbone and sternum, so girls courage and strength if we want to aim at a better physical care of properly to a good diet, with some temptation ...... and above all dress ourselves properly. If the physical rather than a rush I'd say it looks like a loaf to avoid mini-skirts or leggings fashion. The latest fashion is said to be the right one. Stripes, polka dots and flowers are not much of a girlfriend well not even the models on the catwalk, so take a little 'you !!!!!! In my blog
girders a series of nice sites to visit for a study right look for you and if you need anything ....... segite the star.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 Free Accpount
Trottolino AMOROSO
days ago a friend of mine told me that he met a girl through the internet, after a little 'conversations by computer are meeting for drinks a few nights later. The girl in the photo slideshow on the dating site seems nice and he thought "Come on, let's see how."
We are friends with us a few evenings after the fateful meeting, and his account of the evening begins, "I was at the wheel as soon as I saw it I wanted to start up and run away ....." do not tell their whole evening, because within weeks, I'm still laughing, but I'll give you some advice so as not to miss a guy at the first meeting. Already run away without giving them some of reason, if we work hard to scare ......
1. When you know a guy through the internet and I never say never ask "why did you choose me?", For them it is already difficult to understand why they chose a name instead of another, and if not then you are in good shape could have 10 minutes too dark and wondering "why am with a mussel instead of being on my couch watching TV ????".
2. You will not pull it too much, because phrases like "I do men turn them on one finger," manage to be convincing only if spoken by ANGELINA JOLIE, or even forever. I know that many times the uncertainty themselves in brings out the part of us that should be sentenced to life imprisonment, but you also understand that no man likes to be regarded as a ball on the nose of the seal, although many women treat their men well. Do it with intelligence!
3. The clothing .... sore ..... fashion should in theory be used to improve and not to highlight the flaws! Umbilicus with a view accompanied by rolls of fat, tight pants and makeup vistosto, the first blind date, not a business card. At best, he uses the card ..... and uses it to smoke anything rolled up hoping to forget where it is. The
powerful weapon that we have women and femininity ' if accompanied by a fair amount of intelligence is a powerful aphrodisiac to be used to enchant the carer on duty.
4. He says the test "rather than speak and show others that you are a moron and better shut up and let him believe." Connect the tongue to the brain and to avoid, among many others, phrases like "IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A TATTOO YOU ARE NOT A REAL MAN." It should be good and evil of our day is the appearance, but you also understand that a man who hears a thing is entitled to at least reverse the beer on his head.
Among other things, how do you think that a tattoo represents the virility of man in question. We have to learn to listen and understand if words and their sounds trigger that thought in us that makes us say "I like going out with him seriously." If you want to be the best
believe more in yourself, why should not prove to be nothing more if not the person who you truly are, with your universe full of stars to light up one by one.
Kisses and followed the star
- The ultimate gift by Paulo Coelho - Taste Bompiani, Euro 10.00
- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield - Corbaccio, Euro 16.60 ( )
- Healing with the Angels Doreen Virtue - Armenia, is a gift and I do not know the price ( ).
days ago a friend of mine told me that he met a girl through the internet, after a little 'conversations by computer are meeting for drinks a few nights later. The girl in the photo slideshow on the dating site seems nice and he thought "Come on, let's see how."
We are friends with us a few evenings after the fateful meeting, and his account of the evening begins, "I was at the wheel as soon as I saw it I wanted to start up and run away ....." do not tell their whole evening, because within weeks, I'm still laughing, but I'll give you some advice so as not to miss a guy at the first meeting. Already run away without giving them some of reason, if we work hard to scare ......
1. When you know a guy through the internet and I never say never ask "why did you choose me?", For them it is already difficult to understand why they chose a name instead of another, and if not then you are in good shape could have 10 minutes too dark and wondering "why am with a mussel instead of being on my couch watching TV ????".
2. You will not pull it too much, because phrases like "I do men turn them on one finger," manage to be convincing only if spoken by ANGELINA JOLIE, or even forever. I know that many times the uncertainty themselves in brings out the part of us that should be sentenced to life imprisonment, but you also understand that no man likes to be regarded as a ball on the nose of the seal, although many women treat their men well. Do it with intelligence!
3. The clothing .... sore ..... fashion should in theory be used to improve and not to highlight the flaws! Umbilicus with a view accompanied by rolls of fat, tight pants and makeup vistosto, the first blind date, not a business card. At best, he uses the card ..... and uses it to smoke anything rolled up hoping to forget where it is. The
powerful weapon that we have women and femininity ' if accompanied by a fair amount of intelligence is a powerful aphrodisiac to be used to enchant the carer on duty.
4. He says the test "rather than speak and show others that you are a moron and better shut up and let him believe." Connect the tongue to the brain and to avoid, among many others, phrases like "IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A TATTOO YOU ARE NOT A REAL MAN." It should be good and evil of our day is the appearance, but you also understand that a man who hears a thing is entitled to at least reverse the beer on his head.
Among other things, how do you think that a tattoo represents the virility of man in question. We have to learn to listen and understand if words and their sounds trigger that thought in us that makes us say "I like going out with him seriously." If you want to be the best
believe more in yourself, why should not prove to be nothing more if not the person who you truly are, with your universe full of stars to light up one by one.
Kisses and followed the star
- The ultimate gift by Paulo Coelho - Taste Bompiani, Euro 10.00
- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield - Corbaccio, Euro 16.60 ( )
- Healing with the Angels Doreen Virtue - Armenia, is a gift and I do not know the price ( ).
Friday, January 9, 2009
Chrome Green Gas Deagle Airsoft For Sale
are routine. Every morning, buying the Corriere della Sera, enter my favorite bar, I order a hot latte and sit down at the table usually not too central, because I do not like to attract attention, but watch what others do, including a reading of an article and a review of a film (I like to be informed about everything).
This morning, however, reading an article left me astonished and if you were talking out loud to myself I would say without words. The article was titled as "C'E 'ANOTHER WORLD WHERE ELVIS SINGS. NOT JUST A BIG BANG, BUT INFINITY' COSMI OF DIFFERENT" and at one point and I quote: ".... especially
There will be an infinite number of regions whose history is identical to ours and in each of these regions of the duplicates of you readers will stand by breaking the head on this article. But there are also regions with a different history from ours, with all possible variations
.....". So apart from the fact that the coffee I went through thinking of "all possible variations of my other duplicates around the cosmos, "but think of the possible variations of many other characters that are around on our beloved Earth and now maybe improved in a parallel world ..... but let's say maybe not ....... worse are destroying at the same pace that world also there !!!!!
summary past history is present, and continues to repeat, but it may be that in the future these huge cosmos is already in progress ....... Question
spontaneous, vital, the variation possible in the future I will beat the cellulite, has invented a system of hair removal that do not send in the prognosis for bleeding due to defective blade and above all his cabinet will be VINTAGE considered.
Apart from that, the thought is great because it gives you some confidence in the future and makes you understand many things of the past. All in all it is better to be optimistic, so much the past there 'yet, the future is the present and they are right, then the Buddhists live in the present AND LOVE YOURSELF.
more philosophical considerations about this article I'll leave to people more competent than me.
PS. For C. and P. Can you imagine the duplication of Trottolino Love, as will be called TATTOO WILD.
that Elvis is still singing ??????
If interested in the subject:
VILENKIN - FRIDAY 'Jan. 16. If you are interested
vintage, around interesting sites where you'll find the goodies:
http:/ /
for all tastes, whether clothing, accessories, furniture.
kisses to follow the star.
are routine. Every morning, buying the Corriere della Sera, enter my favorite bar, I order a hot latte and sit down at the table usually not too central, because I do not like to attract attention, but watch what others do, including a reading of an article and a review of a film (I like to be informed about everything).
This morning, however, reading an article left me astonished and if you were talking out loud to myself I would say without words. The article was titled as "C'E 'ANOTHER WORLD WHERE ELVIS SINGS. NOT JUST A BIG BANG, BUT INFINITY' COSMI OF DIFFERENT" and at one point and I quote: ".... especially
There will be an infinite number of regions whose history is identical to ours and in each of these regions of the duplicates of you readers will stand by breaking the head on this article. But there are also regions with a different history from ours, with all possible variations
.....". So apart from the fact that the coffee I went through thinking of "all possible variations of my other duplicates around the cosmos, "but think of the possible variations of many other characters that are around on our beloved Earth and now maybe improved in a parallel world ..... but let's say maybe not ....... worse are destroying at the same pace that world also there !!!!!
summary past history is present, and continues to repeat, but it may be that in the future these huge cosmos is already in progress ....... Question
spontaneous, vital, the variation possible in the future I will beat the cellulite, has invented a system of hair removal that do not send in the prognosis for bleeding due to defective blade and above all his cabinet will be VINTAGE considered.
Apart from that, the thought is great because it gives you some confidence in the future and makes you understand many things of the past. All in all it is better to be optimistic, so much the past there 'yet, the future is the present and they are right, then the Buddhists live in the present AND LOVE YOURSELF.
more philosophical considerations about this article I'll leave to people more competent than me.
PS. For C. and P. Can you imagine the duplication of Trottolino Love, as will be called TATTOO WILD.
that Elvis is still singing ??????
If interested in the subject:
VILENKIN - FRIDAY 'Jan. 16. If you are interested
vintage, around interesting sites where you'll find the goodies:
http:/ /
for all tastes, whether clothing, accessories, furniture.
kisses to follow the star.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Connecting External Hard Drive To Tv Usb
The snow continues to fall, the cold increases, to warm up a bit 'yesterday I went into a perfume shop to buy a miserable nutriene cream for the hands. One person in front of a man ...... Thank God I will frettissima, I thought. Never thought it was so disastrous. At the rear, serene, I waited my turn. That's exactly I expected. After 1 hour and 10 minutes I was still waiting. My peace had already given half an hour before the flight. This male has purchased in order starting from the top: a day cream and a night combined with the anti-wrinkle eye .... "But I recommend to go well for the lip," cocoa butter to the inside lip, complete set for shower and bath (NO ??????), forgot to use the same hair (with a ... sunburn on sight, that clue was already put on track), perfumes "knows I like to change every day." He tried every item on the back of the hand to make sure that ungesse her skin so delicate. " He spent the beauty of € 350 in cosmetics.
Man boor and neglected no longer in fashion (if it ever was), but everything there is' a limit. I would say that the item be put on the eye to make the allure of mysterious man rather than a cream is a nice pair of dark sunglasses beautiful. We girls have the illusion of being able to find something interesting for once !!!!! Boys
TOILET fast and the rest of 23 hours and 50 minutes to us the bathroom !!!!!!
PS. Hand cream Price 4:50!! Mah!
A site I visit often and may be useful to all is:
Wide range of perfumery products and lots of interesting fun to read.
Kisses and followed the star.
The snow continues to fall, the cold increases, to warm up a bit 'yesterday I went into a perfume shop to buy a miserable nutriene cream for the hands. One person in front of a man ...... Thank God I will frettissima, I thought. Never thought it was so disastrous. At the rear, serene, I waited my turn. That's exactly I expected. After 1 hour and 10 minutes I was still waiting. My peace had already given half an hour before the flight. This male has purchased in order starting from the top: a day cream and a night combined with the anti-wrinkle eye .... "But I recommend to go well for the lip," cocoa butter to the inside lip, complete set for shower and bath (NO ??????), forgot to use the same hair (with a ... sunburn on sight, that clue was already put on track), perfumes "knows I like to change every day." He tried every item on the back of the hand to make sure that ungesse her skin so delicate. " He spent the beauty of € 350 in cosmetics.
Man boor and neglected no longer in fashion (if it ever was), but everything there is' a limit. I would say that the item be put on the eye to make the allure of mysterious man rather than a cream is a nice pair of dark sunglasses beautiful. We girls have the illusion of being able to find something interesting for once !!!!! Boys
TOILET fast and the rest of 23 hours and 50 minutes to us the bathroom !!!!!!
PS. Hand cream Price 4:50!! Mah!
A site I visit often and may be useful to all is:
Wide range of perfumery products and lots of interesting fun to read.
Kisses and followed the star.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Bilder Von John Holmes
Update stellar
time balances and despite the three tons of snow fell from the sky, the girls at all frightened, in search of the deal gold. The windows around the city are enticing and kindly invite you to spend all you have and also € € do not have, so her friend is charged VISA or MASTERCARD.
not taking into account the children that are genetically modified buying weighted, then here is my thought directed to the shop-girls. Girls, love balances, keep in mind a key factor if you are a size 46 or over there, and entering the store you see the wonderful pants 50%, the ones who wanted you, before you rush to the case with the look and crazy foaming at the mouth, check a detail irrelevant .... is just what ...... THE SIZE! Already taken glare because of the price, some Sometimes we take home the clothes do not wear anything, even after the strict diet. The same goes for the shirt above the navel, which costs only 20 €, if we weigh 100 pounds below the navel, that balance does not suit us. It seems a silly thought, but it happened to all (and who says no mind shamelessly) do not try the clothes bought on sale, so for sure we will look great, thought it is a bargain for sure .... I'll put it! ". So
purchased with the balance and possibly try to wear .... balances!
A tip for buying affordable online and you can ALWAYS make not only during the period of sadi: .
I recommended to many friends who are still thrilled by the variety of financial offers and new products and trends. The vintage Verame is of excellent quality.
Good evening and follow the star.
time balances and despite the three tons of snow fell from the sky, the girls at all frightened, in search of the deal gold. The windows around the city are enticing and kindly invite you to spend all you have and also € € do not have, so her friend is charged VISA or MASTERCARD.
not taking into account the children that are genetically modified buying weighted, then here is my thought directed to the shop-girls. Girls, love balances, keep in mind a key factor if you are a size 46 or over there, and entering the store you see the wonderful pants 50%, the ones who wanted you, before you rush to the case with the look and crazy foaming at the mouth, check a detail irrelevant .... is just what ...... THE SIZE! Already taken glare because of the price, some Sometimes we take home the clothes do not wear anything, even after the strict diet. The same goes for the shirt above the navel, which costs only 20 €, if we weigh 100 pounds below the navel, that balance does not suit us. It seems a silly thought, but it happened to all (and who says no mind shamelessly) do not try the clothes bought on sale, so for sure we will look great, thought it is a bargain for sure .... I'll put it! ". So
purchased with the balance and possibly try to wear .... balances!
A tip for buying affordable online and you can ALWAYS make not only during the period of sadi: .
I recommended to many friends who are still thrilled by the variety of financial offers and new products and trends. The vintage Verame is of excellent quality.
Good evening and follow the star.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Welcome Messages To Babies
The personal shopper is a person who normally provides its service to an upper-middle class, usually tourists from all over the world. But I am convinced that with targeted advice, we can show you all and say all the best, knowing the current fashion to adapt to our physical and especially to our own way of being. It is not the fashion to dress us, but we have to dress fashion. I would like, since I have a nose for trends, to help those who contact me, not only with practical advice, but with useful addresses where to buy the best at reasonable prices throughout Italy, books to read to improve inside and out. Kisses to you soon!!
PS. One tip in preview to all: DO YOU WANT TO READ A BOOK THAT Replace battery 'A PLACE YOUR WARDROBE: "Guide to the cabinet IDEAL" Laure Gontier and Jeanne-Aurore Colleuille - Morellini Editor - necklace PINK GENERATION, Euro 9.80. I read it is very interesting and I will open a new world will open the box and above the CARITAS: KEEP A LOT of crap in the closets.
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