of Prof. Giuseppina Di Guida
.: Who is Professor Joseph Driving
expert in cooperative learning, school coordinators A perte for the LSS "Renato Caccioppoli" in Naples. designer include paths and social participation, a member of the Scientific Committee on volunteering within the working group established Open Schools c / o 'Regional Ministry of Education, Training and Employment of the Campania Region.
expert in cooperative learning, school coordinators A perte for the LSS "Renato Caccioppoli" in Naples. designer include paths and social participation, a member of the Scientific Committee on volunteering within the working group established Open Schools c / o 'Regional Ministry of Education, Training and Employment of the Campania Region.

Imagine a school district located in a high-risk psychosocial as there are many on the outskirts of Naples, a student population of more than 1000 students with a school drop out rate of 14%, a college teacher worried about not being able to govern the educational process, but at the same time firmly rooted in knowledge closely disciplines. The view class as a fort to defend against "foreign enemies" and, paradoxically, by the same pupils who belong, when they turn out to be carriers of emotions and experiences that do not fall within the ordinary practice teaching institution. The fort is well DIFE know, but the classrooms are empty. Absenteeism, sabotage, loss of interest, loosening of the bonds, loss of lives and knowledge ... .. Now try to
imaginary Nare that same school a few years later. Many think that the school no longer exists: closed for lack of members, permanent structure unfit for use, or at best turned in on itself to try to survive despite the failures of learning
Yet it did not happen. Changing course you can. What has been achieved at the LSS "Renato Caccioppoli of Naples with the project to become a Volunteer you can ò technically define" action system "successful. I prefer to try to explain starting from a statement by the French philosopher E. Morin: "This that can not be included in a program, can be animated by enthusiasm only education "(The well-shaped heads, 2000). Changing course you can. With the courage and enthusiasm of
imaginary Nare that same school a few years later. Many think that the school no longer exists: closed for lack of members, permanent structure unfit for use, or at best turned in on itself to try to survive despite the failures of learning
Yet it did not happen. Changing course you can. What has been achieved at the LSS "Renato Caccioppoli of Naples with the project to become a Volunteer you can ò technically define" action system "successful. I prefer to try to explain starting from a statement by the French philosopher E. Morin: "This that can not be included in a program, can be animated by enthusiasm only education "(The well-shaped heads, 2000). Changing course you can. With the courage and enthusiasm of
.. can be a pile of bricks ... ..
"Volunteers become" is a process of education for active citizenship that identifies a resource volunteer extraordinary, capable of producing profound changes in the behavior of students, school and state social thanks to the spread of its specific values \u200b\u200bsuch as participation, accountability, solidarity, cooperation for the el common good 'interest. About 150 students belonging to disadvantaged groups, especially with regard to educational level of parents and the risk of cultural exclusion and social, were able to follow the training in 2007/08 which was successfully tested from the Liceo Caccioppoli "already in the previous annuities Open Schools. The network was born from four schools in the Campania Region in relation to this particular project has proved an invaluable tool for spreading the culture of volunteering among young people. Indeed, it has allowed those who are in my view be the main strengths of the training, which is the socialization of knowledge between groups of students from different cultural backgrounds and places, strengthening the links between and type of synergy between and among institutions to make more structured collaboration between school bells and protected areas of our region.
The training course
The social gathering, recognition of the school as a place of human and cultural development of students, the internalization of the value of active citizenship is the main aim of the project to become a Volunteer. L 'initiative is therefore divided into two main parts. It begins with classroom training, using the strategies of cooperative learning .. Theoretical training at alternate internships at organizations active in the area. Every meeting is prepared in detail. In particular, this year the high school "Caccioppoli" organized a day of entertainment called "C lowns for a Carnival of solidarity "to help small non-guests of the" Baby House "run by the Comboni Fathers.
were also carried out two training courses to voluntary environmental protected areas (National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise) for a total of four days of activities divided into: knowledge of territory, voluntary action, peer group socialization, solidarity with the local population., activities of environmental interpretation, Nature Theater of experience.
At the end of the course will date this year students can qualified to carry out voluntary environmental actions by participating in one of five summer camps in the two parks project partners for a period of one to two weeks, organized in collaboration with the 'Association Vol.un.tas (Volunteers Under 18 active and transhumance Solidarity) and the Association Archeocampus.
were also carried out two training courses to voluntary environmental protected areas (National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise) for a total of four days of activities divided into: knowledge of territory, voluntary action, peer group socialization, solidarity with the local population., activities of environmental interpretation, Nature Theater of experience.
At the end of the course will date this year students can qualified to carry out voluntary environmental actions by participating in one of five summer camps in the two parks project partners for a period of one to two weeks, organized in collaboration with the 'Association Vol.un.tas (Volunteers Under 18 active and transhumance Solidarity) and the Association Archeocampus.

Methodologies used
The training offered in the classroom to "apprentice volunteers' part of self-reflection on their life expectancy, as well as a deeper understanding of some the main forms of expression of solidarity in its territory. Through the methodology of cooperative learning, students internalize some specific "skills" and "skill" social, which places them in a position to operate more successfully within the school context is that in the context outside the school. The pupil-centered
steady work, his interests and the relationship dynamics within the reference group is the main theme of the entire route. This was in order to work in a special way on the boys themselves, the links with their comrades, as one of the ways to prevent and combat early school leaving. Only after adequate reasons for the group of young people and volunteers have built with them a common identity matrix is \u200b\u200bput in place a very innovative educational formula that we called school-volunteering. Social skills and environmental knowledge on protected areas acquired in the classroom are then "verified" and put into practice during four days of intense educational and experiential activities with all the schools in the network. Meetings with professionals working in the parks, voluntary actions, exploration of the area, activities of environmental interpretation, Nature Theater of experience are just some of the features that stage.
steady work, his interests and the relationship dynamics within the reference group is the main theme of the entire route. This was in order to work in a special way on the boys themselves, the links with their comrades, as one of the ways to prevent and combat early school leaving. Only after adequate reasons for the group of young people and volunteers have built with them a common identity matrix is \u200b\u200bput in place a very innovative educational formula that we called school-volunteering. Social skills and environmental knowledge on protected areas acquired in the classroom are then "verified" and put into practice during four days of intense educational and experiential activities with all the schools in the network. Meetings with professionals working in the parks, voluntary actions, exploration of the area, activities of environmental interpretation, Nature Theater of experience are just some of the features that stage.
Airlines Development project
a result not expected at the planning stage has been observed that the local communities of the two parks involved have voluntarily built its own network of organizational and logistical support to the volunteers arriving from Naples . The welcome I received at St. Maria di Castellabate (Cilento) and Semi Barry (Abruzzo) astonished and amazed us and made us identify a new driving force in this project: solidarity in solidarity!
Campania is the second Italian region for protected area. And yet ... there is still much to be done to build a culture of widespread environmental and practiced. The inclusion of the school in an integrated training system, understood as a covenant-educational alliance between the school and extrascuola (associations, local institutions and national parks) will allow young people volunteer to go in the coming months for summer camp volunteers. The school can be found in parks, a huge wealth of knowledge, knowledge and experiences. The parks may see their actions through enhanced collaboration with the volunteers.
Clean, mark and secure a path, signal fire, support the guards of the parks in their daily tasks, provide information to tourists, as well as by their presence simply animate the life of small towns or rural mountain littered in our parks ... .. are just some of the activities that they can play with enthusiasm the volunteers. But if they could list many others and many have to be invented
Campania is the second Italian region for protected area. And yet ... there is still much to be done to build a culture of widespread environmental and practiced. The inclusion of the school in an integrated training system, understood as a covenant-educational alliance between the school and extrascuola (associations, local institutions and national parks) will allow young people volunteer to go in the coming months for summer camp volunteers. The school can be found in parks, a huge wealth of knowledge, knowledge and experiences. The parks may see their actions through enhanced collaboration with the volunteers.
Clean, mark and secure a path, signal fire, support the guards of the parks in their daily tasks, provide information to tourists, as well as by their presence simply animate the life of small towns or rural mountain littered in our parks ... .. are just some of the activities that they can play with enthusiasm the volunteers. But if they could list many others and many have to be invented
The actions taken by schools in the network
1. LSS "Renato Caccioppoli, school leader, Naples:
implementation and dissemination of the project volunteer training in the Campania region, entering into memoranda of understanding with the National Parks for the construction of learning experiences and volunteer camps, creation of network of schools, educational planning and coordination among the four institutions of the network organization two-stage school-volunteer (in the Park of Abruzzo and the Park of Cilento), activation of two training modules
2. ITC "Mario Pagano, Naples
activation of a training module
3. IC "Lettieri" Stio (Salerno):
activation of a training module, the reception of voluntary cooperation from Napoli c / o the Center for Environmental Education Stio
4. IC "L. Guercio, S. Maria di Castellabate (Salerno):
activation of a training module, collaborative organization of the stage of 2 days. Cilento
actions carried out by Project partners volunteer training:
National Park d 'Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise : internship volunteer training environment with qualified operators of the park, summer camps, volunteer
National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano : voluntary work in the area of \u200b\u200bS. Maria di Castellabate and Stio, together with the leaders of the Association of Volunteer Park
"Vol.un.tas": mentoring and entertainment groups of young volunteers during the summer camps
Association The home of the child "- Comboni Fathers : voluntary action for the benefit of immigrant children attending the kindergarten and the primary school (Liceo Caccioppoli)
Association "Freedom, names and numbers against mafias" : voluntary action c / o the shop for the products Free Land Institute (Pagano), meeting with students in high school Caccioppoli 'framework of rights denied cineforum
Association Archeocampus ": Organisation of activities of archaeological excavation and historical and environmental heritage
Other partners involved: Amnesty International, the Community of Sant'Egidio, Legambiente, Asia's Fund , Ente Nazionale Sordi, Caritas., Association "The Oak".
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