Kenosis is configured essentially as an act of renunciation. The way religious conceives the kenosis as an initiation before the experience, while the "secular path and artistic" describes the loss of the name, moral individuality, identification sexual relationships and social status as a result of actions taken during progressive stages of experience and then to the initiation of Reality, Truth and Beauty.
Poverty, chastity and humility, strong expressions of self-emptying Franciscan preparatory to the emergence of a new pure intentions (the infant Jesus in Bethlehem), but is explicit in the art (and in life) in various forms so as to appear diverse and ever new and surprising. On the secular side there are indeed many "phases" of waiver implemented through experiences and hopes for the annulment of the nullification of the illusions caused by conflicting relations with Reality.
The experience is often traumatic. The end of illusions provokes an immediate awakening of the soul in the sensory system (Pinocchio), consciousness of self within the frame of mind (The Prodigal Son) intellect and artistic input in the cultural and spiritual dimension of reference (Giovanni Battista) . Almost all experience disappointments, sorrows and failures caused not so much by our inability to do things well, but rather the inability to interpret the facts (the wishing tree), to decode the symbolic truth (the sharing of acorns the pigs) and represent the beauty inspired by the Spirit of Time ( the beautiful and sensual dance of Salome).

many of us have met on their way to the "Cat and the Fox," or situations or people that have convinced us to invest money, time and talent in an imaginary tree of wishes fulfilled? The reality is dominated by those who cross the facts with the information, analyzes the foreground, with the cunning opportunism. Not can learn the art of becoming rich or be successful in love or in work training courses, positive thinking or creative imagination. The trauma of losing money, have invested time in the wrong people or being exploited in their talent, is in itself an element of contemporary secular Kenosis. The immediate effect is the feeling of being "wounded" in love and just "bleed" accompanied by anger that they were naive, gullible, dumb and blind.
Pinocchio learns the lesson, the soul awakens and begins to communicate with the Blue Fairy (self-love), producing a different metabolism of psychological impulses in the brain.
Another story is emblematic of the self-emptying as described by the parable of the prodigal son, extensively analyzed and studied by artists such as Durer, Rubens to Chagall.
soul psychic asks his father to evolve beyond the moral, social customs and culture delal reference (the three brothers who remain in the family home painted by Rubens). Obtained from his father the "masculine" (material resources, physical, mental and creative) and throws herself into experience in order to discover their feminine side (soul, consciousness and intuitive understanding). In this process of dissipation of energy can be seen the kenosis male identification with the individual characteristics, sexual, that characterize the physical and social Cartesian cogito ego. I think it reflects reality and expressing that truth depends on the social, cultural, professional and religious / political that I want to place. The economic and social status of the individual who is identified as belonging to a group, a class or a particular cult, is a "pigsty" in which pigs share the same acorn metaphor of a single system of "cultural power" in able to approve actions, thoughts and feelings. The prodigal son
there ends in despair and poverty, but at the end of a process of creative self-expression body of talent, skills and qualities of mind of the soul certainly not enough to succeed in life. Kenosis described by the parable ends with a return nelal father's house (the rational evolution of essays), a metaphor of the future "incarnation" of consciousness within the mind influenced by the type of social systems (education, education, culture, religion, etc.).
The Father sacrificed a calf to celebrate the creative experience of his son, free from the illusions created by the soul freed from the mental and spiritual and cultural patterns projected by the mass conformism.
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