The story of John, cousin of Jesus, and then the emblem of a parallel path to that achieved by Christ, fully describes the five stages of the Kenosis of mind shaped by education, religion and culture of reference. The Virgin of the Rocks painted by Leonardo requires the head of John the five fingers of his left hand, a metaphor of the "five steps" for reaching initiation to perceive and acknowledge the light of the Messiah, that is, those who have enlightened the mind and has permeated spiritual consciousness.
a) Reporting
The invisible hand of the Virgin of the rocks placed on the head of John the Baptist is the same as that which puts the Enlightened One, the Buddha, the head of the disciple. This is a program of de-structuring of the personality which is why the mind of the disciple must first become as pure as that of a child. John was still a child, meaning a total willingness to absorb less of the words, the practical experiences of the transformation of the subconscious mind in the soul (John 9 years embraced Jesus near the rose garden), the unconscious mind into conscious perception (John in the desert with a stick by Tirso), and finally mind ipercosncia intellect of the soul (John the Baptist points to the cross dellz mental transformation of the drive to mind). Botticelli and Leonardo describe the story in all its stages of alchemical transformation of matter on a psychic mind.

b) Posting from group consciousness
The disintegration of the psychic personality shaped by the group consciousness takes place in five acts, the same made by the prodigal son in the parable of Jesus
1. Separation from family and cultural tradition and religious reference
2. Dissipation of dower father, understood as a concrete experience of the meaning of the instincts, impulses and libido
3. Consummation of psychic energy in finding a new balance
4. Retreat in the desert and experience of meditation, contemplation and absorption in the Self.
5. sharing of Reality with the "mad" and obliteration of the will staff.
c) abolition of the will and personal identity
For the prodigal son returning to the house of the Father means to gain mastery of the mind. For John the Baptist, a symbol of the initiate to Art, the Kenosis is the deletion of personal identity and the acquisition of the powers of the mind such visions, prophecy, clairvoyance, chiaraudienza, telepathy. To become the very substance of Christ and then being able to recognize in every picture you may need a final symbolic gesture: the beheading of the head, a metaphor for the renunciation of the powers of the mind. Salome challenge the Baptist to make the miracles of Christ. The preacher could do it, but instead abstain because the soul has completed its journey of transfiguration into spiritual ego self through renunciation. John has spent all his libido, his money inside, not least of the Prodigal Son and Pinocchio, but to know the Self has to undo the spiritual ego (the node of Shiva) and give up the power of intuition and symbolic clairvoyance.
Caravaggio is the only one to understand that the beheading is the final stage of self-emptying, the de-structuring of the ego, the dissolution of the ego, the cancellation of the personal will and ego spiritual decapitation. It is no coincidence that Caravaggio put his first name just below the decapitated head of John to signify the actual initiation death of Michelangelo.
b) Posting from group consciousness
The disintegration of the psychic personality shaped by the group consciousness takes place in five acts, the same made by the prodigal son in the parable of Jesus
1. Separation from family and cultural tradition and religious reference
2. Dissipation of dower father, understood as a concrete experience of the meaning of the instincts, impulses and libido
3. Consummation of psychic energy in finding a new balance
4. Retreat in the desert and experience of meditation, contemplation and absorption in the Self.
5. sharing of Reality with the "mad" and obliteration of the personal will.
c) abolition of the will and personal identity
For the prodigal son returning to the house of the Father means to gain mastery of the mind. For John the Baptist, a symbol of the initiate to Art, the Kenosis is the deletion of personal identity and the acquisition of the powers of the mind such visions, prophecy, clairvoyance, chiaraudienza, telepathy. To become the very substance of Christ and then being able to recognize in every picture you may need a final symbolic gesture: the beheading of the head, a metaphor for the renunciation of the powers of the mind. Salome challenge the Baptist to make the miracles of Christ. The preacher could do it, but instead abstain because the soul has completed its journey of transfiguration into spiritual ego self through renunciation. John has spent all his libido, his money inside, not least of the Prodigal Son and Pinocchio, but to know the Self has to undo the spiritual ego (the node of Shiva) and give up the power of intuition and symbolic clairvoyance. Caravaggio
is the only one to understand that the beheading is the final stage of self-emptying, de-structuring of the ego, the dissolution of the self, the cancellation of the personal will and ego decapitation spiritual. It is no coincidence that Caravaggio put his first name just below the decapitated head of John to signify the actual initiation death of Michelangelo.
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