the finally came out the new version of the Decree on initial teacher training.
To read it in full click here . (From Horizon School )
The old (but not yet replaced) requirements for access to the TFA can be found by clicking here and here.
is still a draft and hope to be approved this year (otherwise we would be "walk" one more year!). I recommend you read everything right, however summarize the main points below.
1) The Ministry wants to change not only the path that we would become teachers (
2) In Article 3, paragraph 2b, p.. 6 we read that to be qualified to become teachers and to all intents and purposes it takes 5 years of university (B.Sc. + master) + internship (no, thankfully, an exam or a state examination after placement). The problem is that the degree that would lead us to the TFA without problems (in practice, without forcing us to recall loans) currently does not exist (see Section 4).
3) With regard to the location of "training" (which is not just training, but a "mini-SSIS), we find that in the year of TFA we certify our knowledge of English (level B2) and our computer skills (art . 3, paragraph 4, page. 6). During the TFA (internship on) we will support, most likely, a test of English and a computer.
4) Discover Article 4 p.. 7 that the ministry wants to establish the university's degree courses suitable for prospective teachers. This does not concern us too much, but Article 7, paragraph 2b, p.. 10 we see that these degrees the path will be required to access the training. This in the future, for now, Article 7, second paragraph, p.. 10 means of access requirements for people holding a degree of "old design", like ours, ("old" because most of the credits needed to go to teach was recovered separately and was not included in study plan of course). We find the study plan of the degree suggested by the Ministry page. 37 (Table 2 of art. 7, paragraph 2b).
5) Important Article. 6. The number of places available to access the TFA was decided by the regions according to regional needs teaching staff. The number of seats may be increased up to 30% above the real needs of teachers. They can, however access to the surplus in TFA (art. 7, para 3 and art. 8 paragraph 3) those which:
- a PhD research;
- have played for at least two years (not consecutive) scientific research relating to specific subject content of their class certification. This also includes who is doing a PhD and is the second year.
These people may attend the TFA without interrupting the doctorate or "research" as long as permitted by its contract-report Working with the "home institution". These individuals, in order to subscribe to the TFA will not need prior authorization (Articles 7 and 8 comm. 3) by the institution they work for. Finally these people do not have to withstand any examination of access to the TFA (written and oral), but only the oral part.
6) Requirements for access to the TFA are, apart from the degree, still undefined and linked to the rearrangement of the classes of competition / training classes. Article. 8 (in art. 8 spoken for approval of high school teachers, 7 of those in middle school) paragraph 2 refers to the decrees that, in fact, speculate and do not implement the redefinition of the classes of competition.
So we do not have hard data in hand and we have to wait (for now hold the old requirements).
Article. 7 paragraph 2, however, pass from words to action and notorious means these conditions of access (or rather credits, college credits to be obtained before entering the TFA). To go to teach in junior high, then, must be in possession of credits indicated in table 2 (paragraph 1) page. 35-36 (which does not carry over because it is very long).
7) How do I access and how the structure of the TFA?
- Access to the programmed number (the number varies each year depending on regional requirements):
1. Preliminary tests involving the allocation of a maximum of 60 points held the same day (the date is set by the ministry) in all regions. These 60 questions (on various topics) to answer closed with four options each (see art. 15, paragraph 6, p. 22).. The test lasts three hours and to be eligible you must obtain a minimum score of 42/60.
"letters" during the interview, we will also comment on a literary text (in Italian) and translate on the fly text in Latin and one in greek (in case we wanted to teach both subjects, the lyrics are obviously chosen by teachers).
3. The scores obtained can add another 20 points that depend on the qualifications and publications (see art. 15, paragraph 10, p. 22)..
- who did his doctorate enter into surplus after having passed the oral examination only;
- who, as remembered by the art. 15, para
The TFA (Art. 10, p.. 13):
1. The training focus (see table on p. 11. 68) includes:
- an internship of 475 hours (19 credits) held at the schools under the guidance of a mentor and a university professor (which will be rapporteurs of the final dissertation internship);
- the teachings of science education (18 credits);
- lessons and workshops in educational disciplines (18 credits);
- workshops related to teaching-learning internship + thesis of Internship (5 credits).
2. At the end of the year is spent teaching the qualifying examination (Article 10, paragraph 7, p. 14). Is that (the final grade is expressed in the seventieth, to pass the exam you must obtain at least 50 / 70 points):
- in the evaluation of the activity during the training period (maximum 30 points);
- exposition oral a trail on a chosen theme (max 30 points) by the Board (consisting of ... See Art. 10, paragraph 8, p.. 14-15);
- in the discussion of the final report of internship (max 10 points).
3. Final evaluation (see art. 10 Section 9, p. 15). Year of training (in cents) the points awarded during the final (max 70 points) should be added:
- the points derived from a weighted average of marks obtained in examinations of the degree examinations added to those of TFA (max 30 points).
8) Returning for a moment on the access requirements.
The point of contention claims are to be recovered.
On the one hand the Ministry seems to have decided with regard to schools and prepares the plan of "debt" that we find on pages. 36 and 37, the other tells us that teaching high school classes (classes are now teaching 50 / A, 51 / A 52 / A and 43 / A, but about average), have yet to be defined (hence the credits needed to be placed in the same have not yet been decided).
The second problem concerns the contradictions
why the ministry wants to recover-for those who want to become teachers and who will attend master assumed by the Ministry (See. 37) - less credit in the core subject (basically what we're going to teach Italian, history, geography) and we (now graduate or smell of bay leaves) increases our cost of credit in the same subjects (compare point
According to the current plan of the ministry we will not be required to recover 18 credits in pedagogy, psychology & Co (materials that our future colleagues will follow during the degree course!), But claims to be recovered in the art to history ( medieval, modern and contemporary art) would be 18 against 12 needed so far ... These are just a medium to teach! For the most part of the "ancient history" (Greek and Roman) seems to have disappeared into thin air ...
This decree is only a draft and the people who are working may not be familiar with the ideas of the future minister of education classes (it is another committee), but, to avoid trouble, you should still keep close enough the university world to be ready in case of other claims to be recovered. Sure, the ministry will give us a little 'time we will be obliged to give the exams that we miss if we fail to enter the TFA within the next two years, but I think it's easy to enter the TFA (two years is to have the possibility groped for only twice). Debt recovery in the case now would not make sense given that the ministry's plans are not final: better wait.
icing on the cake?
Article 16 of the Ordinance.
Who pays for TFA? We
is difficult to predict what we will have to pay, but the SSIS
Good luck to us all.